The indoor swimming pool is located in the sheltered courtyard of the hotel. It is a small but perfectly formed pool that is heated to a comfortable temperature. The pool is open to all guests of the hotel, including children of all ages, although babies are required to wear appropriate swimming nappies. The pool provides a relaxing environment for guests to unwind and enjoy a swim.
Complimentary to all residents, whilst at the hotel. 
Non-residents swim £25 per hour, with up to 4 guests. 
To book, please call 01439 771241
Please note we do not guarantee exclusive use of the pool at any time. 
Memberships are available in a very limited number. 
Individual memberships start at £250  and families from £500 per year. 
A joining fee does apply. 
To enquire and receive an application form, please email reservations@thepheasanthotel.com
Please note we do not guarantee exclusive use of the pool at any time. 
Pool Opening Times & Special Days
Membership Application
Terms & Conditions